Jun 06 / Prayer & Praise Summit REGISTERBook for Prayer & Praise Summit Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Aug 03 / NDs & FRs + Wives Leadership Advance REGISTERBook for NDs & FRs + Wives Leadership Advance Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Aug 12 / Live Members Forum REGISTERBook for Live Members Forum Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Sep 22 / NGC Run Summit REGISTERBook for NGC Run Summit Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Oct 01 / District Voice Walk & MPO REGISTERBook for District Voice Walk & MPO Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Oct 03 / October Prayer & Praise Summit REGISTERBook for October Prayer & Praise Summit Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Oct 12 / Couples Advance REGISTERBook for Couples Advance Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Nov 14 / 2018 Lagos National Convention REGISTERBook for 2018 Lagos National Convention Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Dec 15 / 2018 Closing Banquet REGISTERBook for 2018 Closing Banquet Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Jan 14 / NNC 2019 REGISTERBook for NNC 2019 Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Jun 15 / The Balancing Act of a Busy Christian Woman REGISTERBook for The Balancing Act of a Busy Christian Woman Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
May 30 / Zoom Platform 2020 SS4D Train-The-Trainers - Day 2 REGISTERBook for 2020 SS4D Train-The-Trainers - Day 2 Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Jun 03 / Zoom Platform June Prayer Summit REGISTERBook for June Prayer Summit Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Jun 04 / Zoom Platform Regional Capacity building 1 REGISTERBook for Regional Capacity building 1 Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Jun 05 / Zoom Platform Regional Capacity Building 2 REGISTERBook for Regional Capacity Building 2 Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Jun 18 / Zoom Platform Regional Capacity Building 3 REGISTERBook for Regional Capacity Building 3 Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Oct 31 / Zoom Platform SS4D/Eminent Chapters Inauguration Thanksgiving REGISTERBook for SS4D/Eminent Chapters Inauguration Thanksgiving Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *
Nov 19 / Port Harcourt Mini Convention Center 2020 Port Harcourt National Convention - Hybrid Rivers State University Convocation Arena REGISTERBook for 2020 Port Harcourt National Convention - Hybrid Number of person: 123456More Your Name * Your Email * Your Telephone *