About us

[heading subtitle=”Founder – FGBMFI” size=”5″ heading_class=”content_heading” heading_style=”style-1″]Demos Shakarian[/heading]

Demos Shakarian was born in Armenia, and escaped the holocaust due to a warning from a Pentecostal prophet whom God had raised up to warn the nation of disaster that would come upon them. The Shakarian family heeded the words of the prophet and fled to America where Demos grew up in the Pentecostal Church. He gave his heart to God as a young man and experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit in 1926 at the age of thirteen.

God prospered Shakarian and his family in their dairy farm, one of the largest private dairies in the world. Over the years, Shakarian supported the work of traveling revivalist preachers. In 1951, after helping set up Oral Roberts’ Los Angeles crusade, Demos told Roberts of his belief that God was leading him to start a group called the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI). Roberts agreed to attend the first meeting of the group, and he prayed an anointed prayer that called for this group to be a mighty force for the spread of the gospel.

Shakarian experienced a year of frustration until, in a night of prayer, God gave him a vision of the work God would do in the world through this group. As he led the meeting, God would direct him to the individuals he should call upon to give testimony. As businessmen told the story of how God was working in their lives and businesses, many of their friends were converted and the goal of sharing Christ in an organization of businessmen was realized

[heading subtitle=”” size=”5″ heading_class=”content_heading” heading_style=”style-1″]BOT Chair[/heading]

Elder Sam Mbata was one of the foremost Africans that contacted the fire of the FGBMFI in the early 80s. With this enthusiasm, brought the FGBMFI to Nigeria. He has passionately served God here consistently and committedly…

[heading subtitle=”” size=”5″ heading_class=”content_heading” heading_style=”style-1″]Regional Vice President SS[/heading]

Engr Andrew Essien is saddled with the responsibility of leading the members of the Fellowship within the South South Region as the Regional Vice President. His commitment and determination has given birth to this new District…

[heading subtitle=”” size=”5″ heading_class=”content_heading” heading_style=”style-1″]National President[/heading]

Arc Ifeanyi Odedo is an International Director and currently the National President. A successful business man by every sense of it and an end-time apostle in the market place. He is a great visionary and spirit filled leader …

[heading subtitle=”” size=”5″ heading_class=”content_heading” heading_style=”style-1″]District Coordinator SS4[/heading]

Dcn Festus Nwokafor is the District Coordinator of The South South 4 District which was created from South South 1. An erudite Bible scholar, conflict management specialist, reconciliator, Negotiator, Role Model and the Joshua of our time…

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